Good quality chemotyped essential oils require a tool that allows not only their smell but also their entry into the body through the respiratory system without having been modified in temperature, physicality, or chemical composition. An essential oil suspended in microdroplets in the environment does not allow the existence of any virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite. To begin our adventure in aromatherapy for health and well-being, we suggest, in addition to the indispensable tool of a cold atmospheric essential oil diffuser, a pure and chemotyped essential oil (guaranteed molecular composition).
An atmospheric cold essential oil diffuser is the best technology to disperse aromatic molecules, taking advantage of their volatile characteristics. Through the capillary effect, the essential oil found in the glass balloon rises through the base of the vertical channel (a glass capillary microtubule) and when it is at its end, a microdrop of essential oil located at the tip of the tube capillary where, thanks to a silent air pump and a second horizontal tube with a Venturi effect, pressurized air is blown, nebulizing the microdroplets of essential oil that spread into the atmosphere. Glass is a harmless material, the diffusion process occurs cold and does not physically or chemically modify the essential oil, thus allowing it to retain all its therapeutic properties.
To achieve the therapeutic effect it is advisable to have a good diffuser. When using a good diffuser, it is not necessary to dilute the pure essential oil in another oil, much less in water. A good diffuser does not heat or ionize the pure essential oil. A good diffuser blows air into a drop of oil, thus allowing it to overcome the gravity of this double lipid bilayer of pure essential oil with air inside. Through diffusion the senses can be revived in the most natural way possible, whether by breathing the air or through the psychic or emotional effect. At we have two good diffusers at your disposal:
- Cold diffuser for essential oils D113 x H192
- Pure essential oil cold diffuser with rechargeable battery
Come into contact with the best of essential oils through a good cold atmospheric essential oil diffuser, which is a therapeutic tool that suspends microdroplets of medicinal plants in the environment, managing to unite the physical molecular world with the intangible world. invisible and subtle aroma. Because the unaltered essential oil remains suspended in the environment, the cold essential oil diffuser allows essential oils to enter the body safely through the airway. Once the aromatic molecules enter our body through the airway, in addition to carrying out therapeutic actions in the respiratory system, they pass into the bloodstream, carrying out their therapeutic effects in all the organs of our body.
Difference between the diffuser and the cauldron? The cauldron only evaporates the essential oil with heat, releasing its odor, but quickly degrading its active ingredients, while the diffuser works in the cold by nebulizing microdrops of essential oil which allows it to preserve all its medicinal and olfactory qualities. Therefore, the relationship between time of use and use of the properties of the essential oil versus cost is much better with the cold essential oil diffuser.
"Diffusion by cold electrical nebulization: the essential oil will be used pure. The diffuser will project the essential oil into microparticles that will not be heated (which preserves the properties of the essential oils) and that will be released into the atmosphere" [1].
[1] Nathalie Koziol. Huiles essentielles d'Eucalyptus globulus, d'Eucalyptus radiata et de Corymbia citriodora: qualité, efficacité et toxicité. Sciences pharmaceutiques. 2015. hal-01733789.
[2] da Fonseca, PP (2023). State of the art and major clinical outcomes of the use of essential oils in the performance of athletes: a systematic review. International Journal of Nutrology, 16(1).