CLOVE ESSENTIAL OIL: Uses and benefits

Syzygium aromaticum

Plant organ: Flower bud

Optimal ranges of biochemical composition of a good pure and chemotyped essential oil of Clove:

  • Eugenol 75-87%
  • Eugenyl acetate 8-15%
  • Beta-Caryophyllene 2-7%.

General information and properties:

Known as the dentist's essential oil, Clove essential oil is known and highly valued for its analgesic and anti-infective qualities thanks to its high eugenol content, a very powerful molecule in various fields of application, both in human health as in agriculture. Eugenol has a broad-spectrum antimicrobial capacity in bacteria and fungi, including those resistant to antibiotics such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter jejuni, and Candida albicans.

Eugenol relaxes the digestive smooth muscles, having an antispasmodic effect. Based on animal studies, eugenol blocks the action of various pro-inflammatory molecules involved in arthritis, leading the researchers to conclude that Clove essential oil “could be useful as a beneficial supplement to treat human arthritis. Another study concludes that Clove oil had an anti-inflammatory effect equivalent to Etodolac (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID). The psychostimulant effect of this essential oil is similar to that of psychostimulants but without side effects. It has been shown to increase motor activity and decrease depressive states during physical exercise.

Permitted use according to age or condition of the patient:

Safe application routes:

Risks of using essential oil:

correct traditional indications



Mix 2 drops of Clove essential oil with a teaspoon of honey or olive oil. Apply under the tongue 3 times a day for a period of 2 to 3 days.


Cutaneous mycoses

Dilute 1 drop of Clove essential oil in 9 drops of Safflower vegetable oil. Apply to the infected area 2 or 3 times a day for 5 days.

Fungal nail infection (Onychomycosis)

Mix 1 drop of Clove essential oil with 9 drops of Tea Tree essential oil and dilute in 10 drops of Safflower vegetable oil. Apply 1 drop of the solution and spread on the nail 2 times a day until the nail is completely healthy. This treatment can last up to 7 months for fingernails and 12 months for toenails. It is advisable to prepare a jar with these proportions to avoid preparing the mixture daily.

Herpes zoster

Dilute 1 drop of Clove essential oil in 9 drops of Safflower vegetable oil. Apply 3 times a day on the affected area for a period of 4 to 5 days.



Mix 2 drops of Clove essential oil with a teaspoon of honey or olive oil. Apply under the tongue 3 times a day for a period of 2 to 3 days.

Stomach flu

Mix 2 drops of Clove essential oil with a teaspoon of honey or olive oil. Apply under the tongue 3 times a day for a period of 2 to 3 days.

Intestinal infection

Mix 2 drops of Clove essential oil with a teaspoon of honey or olive oil. Apply under the tongue 3 times a day for a period of 2 to 3 days.

Intestinal parasitosis

Under prior medical supervision. Mix 2 drops of Clove essential oil with a teaspoon of honey or olive oil. Apply under the tongue 3 times a day for a maximum of 5 days.


Oral infection (abscess, thrush)

Dilute 1 drop of Clove essential oil in 9 drops of Safflower vegetable oil. Apply to the abscess or thrush 1 to 2 times a day.

Otorhinolaryngology / Pneumology


Mix 2 drops of Clove essential oil with a teaspoon of honey or olive oil. Apply under the tongue 3 times a day for a period of 2 to 3 days.



Dilute 1 drop of Clove essential oil in 9 drops of Evening Primrose or Safflower oil. Massage the affected area 3 times a day for a maximum period of three weeks.


Cystitis / Urinary Infection

Mix 2 drops of Clove essential oil with a teaspoon of Honey or Olive oil. Apply under the tongue 3 times a day for a period of 2 to 3 days.

Warnings on the use of essential oils:

The information on traditional use is not a substitute for the advice of a pharmacist or aromatherapy physician. Its use without attending to said recommendation will always be under your responsibility. If in doubt, it is recommended to consult your doctor. It is important to confirm the diagnosis of your disease or condition to make the best decision. It is especially important to review the contraindications and precautions for use of each essential oil. The indications and contraindications of an essential oil depend on its molecular composition. The traditional uses reported refer to essential oils and 100% pure vegetable oils with detailed information on origin, quality and specific molecular composition ranges for a SAFE AND EFFECTIVE AROMATHERAPY. THEY DO NOT APPLY TO ANY ESSENTIAL OIL THAT DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THIS INFORMATION. QUALITY GLOBAL SAS AND/OR DOCTOR SALIARMO VALDERRAMA AND/OR AROMATMA SAS is/are not responsible for inappropriate and/or abusive use of essential oils and vegetable oils. Allergy: Before using an essential oil, it is advisable to apply a drop on the inside of the elbow and wait 24 hours in order to demonstrate a possible allergic reaction. It is appropriate to consult the chapter entitled "Risks of using essential oil" if the icon "Allergy risks" appears.


Do not use during pregnancy or while lactating. Do not use in children under 3 years of age. Do not use orally in patients with liver failure, coagulation problems or who are taking anticoagulants. Do not use during the 48 hours prior to surgery. Potential interaction with drugs with hemorrhagic risk: aspirin, oral or injectable anticoagulants, blood thinners, oral fungicides such as econazole. Potential interaction with MAOI antidepressant drugs due to the antidepressant effect of eugenol via the monoamine oxidase pathway. Potential interaction with antibiotics enhancing their effects. Use under medical supervision for prolonged oral use, considering that it requires to be accompanied by a hepatoprotective essential oil such as Peppermint essential oil. For its topical application, dilute it with a vegetable oil in a maximum proportion equivalent to 10% for adults and 5% for children aged 6 to 10 years. Do not apply to irritated skin. It is advisable to test the oil on the inside of the elbow to demonstrate the risk of allergy.


  • De la Charie, T. et al. Website « Compagnie des Sens » –
  • Franchomme, P., R. Jollois, and D. Pénoël. 2001. L'aromathérapie Exactly. Encyclopédie de L'utilisation Thérapeutique Des Huiles Essentielles. Editions Roger Jollois.
  • Zhiri A., Baudoux D. Huiles essentielles chémotypées et leurs synergies.
  • Passport Santé. Website
  • Scott A. Johnson, 2015. Evidence-based essential oil therapy the ultimate guide to the therapeutic and clinical application of essential oils (EBEO)

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